In the deep and darkest place,
You don't know what you will find,
But can you see my face?
Straight in the hell's land?
Now take my hand.
Keep away from the flames,
Make your way through the names
Of your dead friends, prey for them
And put flowers on their graves.
Never again you will see them alive,
They are suffering and so will you.
Welcome to Hell, welcome to Doom.
And now you're at Devil's lair,
So be aware, and know
That he is unfair.
Call it your personal hell
Call it pain,
It's your fate foretell.
You have became Devil's animal,
You're the one to be tamed,
You're going to be adored
And that's for sure.
Is your fate,
Is you personal hell,
He is unfair
He will be your mate
Servant of hell
Is what you became.
Este é o 100º post !
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17 de Novembro de 2007
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23 de Novembro de 2008
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