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sábado, 16 de maio de 2009


I spend a life time waiting.
Carrying a heartless body
Dragged by a dirty soul
That always kept me meaningless.

I thought of giving up so many times
That I was dead already or at least
Burning in my own selfish attitude
But wouldn't I fight back and try to
find a fresh start?

I tried to shower myself in a blink of grace
That revealed to be acid rain,
Ready to kill me slowly and so painfully
Shred me to pieces.
I ran away.
I left her behind,
Before she could stab me in my heart and
Claim me as a trophy.

Even so, I waited.
In silence I suffered.
In laughs I enjoyed what I still had.
I preyed for God help and cryed many nights
For a blessing.

And a blessing I got.
I found you.
Laying in front of my eyes,
Waiting as much as me, for a sign.
Something to change you.
And so I did. I changed your life
in exchange for love, I gave you my heart
and for yours I would die for.

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